1 Year Sober

Today is one year sober; today I feel nothing but gratitude. A sense of self-awareness I have never felt before. In one year I’ve learned more about me than in the 28 years of living. What I’ve learned in one year sober is I am not my past, my mistakes, and my past addiction. I’m whom I choose to be today, in this moment.

A year ago today, I was sitting on a mattress on the floor in a new apartment, I’d lost the love of my life because of my addiction, and I was ashamed and embarrassed. Little hope, lost with no purpose or sense of direction.

Today every aspect of my life is amazing, like I am walking in a dream. I see the world with different eyes. Eyes that is clear and filled with hope and compassion.

Sobriety does not fix everything but it allows me to have a clear mind so I could fix my life. The first few weeks into sobriety my emotions were up and down. Happy, Sad, Hopeful, defeated, angry, confused, blissful, inspired, sobriety allowed me to feel life on life terms.

The list of gifts sobriety has brought into my life are endless. Surrendering everything to the power greater than myself has been beyond rewarding, it taught me a word called forgiveness. Forgiving everything including forgiveness for myself.

Sobriety put purpose in my writing. I heal through my art. Hopefully inspiring others to heal through art. I now see love in all aspects of my life. When I was using I was blind from the love that surrounded me. I was caught in my mind that created false stories that brought me pain so I would use, creating a vicious cycle of using.

Now I see love so big, I feel love so much it’s as if my heart going to explode.

The ISM in Alcoholism is Alcohol-Inside Self & Mind. My disease centered in my mind creating the body craving. I had to become aware of the mind voice. Once I was able separate the voice from my True self. I could stop the voice dead in its tracks. The voice would speak to me like just have one more drink or only wine. The voice would bring up my past; you had such a bad childhood, you should be angry, he’s cheating on you, blah blah on and on. How dare you, you offended me, blah, blah on and on.

The voice sounded like me, it knew what to say to get me to the next drink.

I’m stronger than the voice because I’m aware of my true-self. My true-self is stronger. I can shut it down. if it starts feeding me negative thoughts from my past.

Today I woke up happy, aware, with purpose; fire in my heart to create art, wanting to be a better me. Still working on love for myself and compassion for others. Staying open to learning new things. Sober is the new black.

I want to say thank you to the readers of sober is the new black. That allowed me to share my journey. There are no words that i can write down to show my gratitude. Thank you friends with more days sober who are my teachers and thank you friends with less days sober who my inspiration.

Sober is the New Black will continue on, my book will be out at the end of this year also an apparel line. Sobriety brings dreams that seemed unimaginable. God bless and until next time. Going to turn off my computer for the day and just live!!!!!! Seeing new sights with these clean and sober eyes.

Stay connected with love, Adolfo Vasquez

This video below was one year in the making. Hope it inspires.



one year sober


adolfo vasquez adolfo vasquez


adolfo vasquez

Special thanks to Roxy Shih for the video

Vincent Sandoval for Photography

Stay connected with love Adolfo Vasquez

15 thoughts on “1 Year Sober

  1. Congratulations!!!!!!! I reflect on my growth a lot this month too. My 9th sober birthday is May 30. This was a very miserable weekend for me when I couldn’t get to the place I needed to be to be numb. Very sad. And looking back on it reminds me that I am not my past,only a part of it. And today is about solutions and carrying the message of sobriety to those who still suffer. We are amazing creation’s! I am so happy for you:+) Live Easy But Think First…….

    • That is amazing congrats on your 9th bday. you are an inspiration. Glad to know you pushed through the funk. you are so right we are amazing humans creations. I have some not so good days but there is always light at the end of the tunnel

  2. Hi Adolfo. My name is Kirsten, and I am an alcoholic. We always find ourselves right where we are meant to be, and at this moment I am typing this from my husband’s account as I picked up the laptop to use it and saw your “One Year Sober” post on his page. I kept exploring and love what I am reading. My husband and I both came to AA 15 years ago this week. I sat down in the ONLY empty seat at my first meeting–right next to the man who is now the love of my life. As great as year one was–and it was GREAT for me too–the universe grows more magical each year. Or is the world the same, and I just grow more enchanted? Either way, keep coming back friend, for more of that good, good stuff. And I will keep coming back here for more of yours!

    • Thank you so much Kirsten. Congrats to you and your husband! 15yrs!!!!!!!! omg, thats incredible. So happy you were able to see my blog post. going to keep on keeping on. Today i surrounded myself with loved ones and my amazing sober friends. At one year life has open up, I cant imagine my life at 15years. I wont stop being teachable. God bless. Thank you

  3. Hi Adolfo! First and foremost, I want to congratulate you on your achievements during you first year of sobriety! My name is Brenda and I am a fabulous person and recovering from the disease of addiction. My d.o.c. is alcohol. I have 2 years sober and remember well what I went thru my first year of sobriety. I can real to you on so many levels. The most amazing thing about recovery is how we all have an instant connection. Whether in person, on line or on the telephone/cell phone, we have that special connection. No two people on earth that are not addicts could ever have what we have and I feel just because of that, we are special. Thank you so much for sharing your story so eloquently! I would love to keep in touch with you! Brenda

    • Thank you so much brenda for the share. Congrats on your 2years. That is amazing, I love talking to others with more days. I learn so much. Yes add me to facebook, we can be sober friends.

  4. Congratulations, Adolfo! I’ve been reading your blog over the past several months. My son is 26 and has 2 1/2 years of sobriety. Your posts have given me an even better appreciation for his experiences. Thank you for the time and effort you’ve put into sharing your journey.

  5. I’m so happy I stumbled upon your blog! I work for WestCare California and shared with our FB following! Congrats on your journey and keep up the great work!
    ❤️ Gaby

  6. Hi Adolfo,
    Congratulations on your achievement!
    I really like your concept of Alcohol ISM Inside Self & Mind – that is the path we are on and being calm and clear means we can actually connect with our self and mind for the first time in a long time.
    Keep up the great work.
    Bren Murphy

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