DAY 118 Sober: Feeling Blue and “Red Shoes” Poem

Hello Friends today is day 118 sober, I had a wonderful week. I’ve been dog sitting in Venice. It’s been a really great experience; I really do miss my home and my local coffee shops. In this area since we are close to the beach, a lot of places don’t have AC including the coffee shops and writing in a coffee shop without any AC is not the best also space is limited out here so finding a coffee shop with a lot of room is a hard. I don’t have cable in my home because I don’t want to be distract from the TV but staying here really made me want to give in and get cable. I do love TV and film.


Work has been busy, trying to find a balance with work and writing but it will take sometime. I have not craved any booze at all; I’ve been around it, seen it but did not want it. My program is working. I Never really thought about my future when I was a drunk just living in short term goals but I know I need to start thinking about the future so I found a Finical advisor to help my invest in my future, its such a great feeling knowing I’m being a responsible adult.


The past few days I have felt a bit blue but I know it will pass, there is an event going on that I was supposed to attend but my addiction has cost me this loss, drinking booze equals loss for me. My Addiction has robbed me from a lot of great things. All I can do now is accept the circumstances and not make those mistakes again. Its ok to feel a bit sad because I am human also that person that made those mistakes is not the person I am today and that gives me a peace of mind. I am sometimes, find myself counting all the moments I have loss or opportunity I have screwed up because of my addiction. I know I have to let it go and I am learning how but I will never forget the things my addiction has done and that will help keep me sober. I cannot keep wishing the past could have been any different than it is. With that said, I will weep some healing tears and write my blues away. Sober is the New Black.

