DAY 93 Sober: A Sober Night out

Hello friends today is day 93 sober, it’s been such a busy week . I started transitioning into my seasonal job, I will still be working at the non profit. I’ve been annoyed with a new boss from the nonprofit. He is really aggressive in making a name for himself which I understand new boss usually do. He just goes about it in a rude way. I notice about myself if people are rude then my patience disappear in being nice with them. I can’t let others unhappiness affect mine. People should be nice to one another period. It can be hard if your are having a bad day but its possible. I’m grateful my mind is clear enough to see what I need to work on. I also wonder how much of it is just being a human, and not so much the addiction. Humans feel annoyed. I sometime wonder if me feeling these feelings will worry my family. I should be able to feel these things and it doesn’t mean I will drink. I know with every cell I wont.


I love that I am aware of the things I need to change; I want to be the best I can be in every moment. I’ve been writing a lot more. Which is great, every time I write a poem, its like I am giving birth. I get emotional when it’s done. Today my goal is to only write. At least 20 poems. I found this Café that is a perfect place. I get inspired being outdoors.



Yesterday after the working meeting I was going to go write but some friends wanted to go hangout, I was going to say no and continue to be a hermit but I knew I needed to get out more. I am so glad I did, we were out till 3 am. Sober fun is pretty amazing, waking up with your body refresh without any hangover, no pain and remembering the night. My friends did drink and I had no cravings. We went for drinks after the meeting I had a coffee, then after we hit up a bowling alley. I love to bowl and pretty good. The alley had everything from an arcade to pool tables. I had such a blast, it made me realize writing is important but so is having a social life. With that said I do enjoy being alone. Sober is such a wonderful state a mind. I don’t just want to be sober from booze but also sober from ego, past, guilt, sober from anything that is preventing me from reaching my full potential. Sober is the New Black. I am grateful life, friends, sober fun, love, and writing.


Iggy Azalea work is a great song, Its exactly  what I am doing, I am working no me. 





Stay connect with love, Adolfo