DAY 74 Sober: VISION – Motivational Video

Hello Friends Its End of day 74 Sober, and I came across another film from Mateusz M and its all about your Vision that connects with me on so many levels. On May 24 2104 I was in bed crippled by addiction and this Vision Of Sober Is the New Black came to me, the essence of it came. I created the domain earlier but wasn’t aware of my addiction. Fall forward, every mistake I make now is going to be a lesson so I don’t fall back only falling forward.  Live moving forward. Sometimes to Achieve greatness you have to endure pain. This was birth from pain. When I looked around me I didn’t see anything that looked like success but I realize success starts in the mind in a vision. Sober is the New Black. Hope this Video helps

Stay connect with love, Adolfo