DAY 39 Sober: Balance



Hello friends today is day 39 Sober and I am feeling great! I am realizing I need to start working out. I am losing weight because I cut out the booze but my energy level is very low. I know working out releases endorphins: which is really helpful for Addicts. I have a free gym member ship so there are no excuses! I need some balance in my life all I do is write, eat, sleep and watch films but that’s better than my old self. The old self would drink, drink, write a bit, drink, pass out, and work. I just need to add a few things like working out, creating more of a social life, attending some AA meetings not just online, and start taking some classes. I need to keep my brain active. Its only 39 days sober and I have already done more in the 39 days then I have in the past few years so I have to pat myself on my back! 


I have only had a Couple of cravings for booze but Alcohol-ISM is a living disorder that centers in the mind so you have to watch it because it comes out in others ways like depression, turns into another addiction, Sexual behavior, anxiety and I am sure there are more. All have to do with your mind so you have to be the watcher of the mind. So that’s what I’ve been doing becoming self-aware and when watching the mind you can start to find the core issues so you can heal them. A week ago I started to put my childhood on paper but within an hour I had to stop my emotions went a bit crazy, I felt extreme anger and sadness so after I stop writing I made a phone to a sponsor like who helped talk me through. I have yet to go back to that place but I know it’s a necessary for my healing. Later on today I head back to that place. I am grateful for having a clear mind to do so. I also need to find time to clean my apartment and do laundry like a normal person but writing is so much more fulfilling! lol. 

Today I am grateful for life and for all the support I have received from Sober is the New Black!


Stay connect with love, Adolfo