DAY 40 Sober: Oprah Winfrey

Hello today is day 40 Sober and it’s been an awesome day! Growing up not really having a stable foundation, all I really had was film and TV. TV has thought so me so much about myself.  One person in particular has helped my in ways no other person has. Oprah Winfrey has inspired me throughout my life. I started watching the Oprah Winfrey show as a child into adulthood. Her words has open up my conscious and brought me connected me to my soul. Teaching me the essence of the Law Of attraction and how to connect with my higher power. She is like my ultimate teacher and mother like figure. Watching her show at a young age gave me hope; even hearing her own story is so inspiring. She introduce me to amazing life teachers like Maya Angelou, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Michael Bernard Beckwith and Iyanla Vanzant who all inspire me in different areas of my life. Infinite possibilities. Sober is the New Black!

I post a video below of her Inspiring video that I’ve watch countless times when I am feeling a bit down, hopefully it can helps others as well.


Stay connect with love, Adolfo