DAY 89 Sober: The Perfect Night

Hello friends, day 89 sober and it been an amazing day. In the past 89 days everything has changed for the better, from my mind, to my body, to my relationships, to passion for writing. I have this deep love for myself that is more of a feeling of peacefulness and Acceptance that I never had before. I don’t feel anger or guilt. I don’t wish stuff would have happen any differently. I have more of an open mind and heart. I’ve learn that the work is becoming not work at all, its more finding me and growing not for perfection but to happy and whole in the moment. I just want to be sober not just from booze, but sober from anger, pain, hurt, past, ego, insecurity. I never had so much joy. Since I’ve gotten sober my emotions have been up and down a bit but that’s normal because I am feeling life the way it’s meant to be felt.


My life is now purpose filled.Alcohol killed everything alive in my life and preserved everything that’s dead. My 90 days is about an hour away and I am spending it with the perfect person, eating Thai food, watching a film, and writing. Day 1 I would not have never thought I would be where I am at this moment. Dreams do come true once you start doing the work or as I like to called find that person that’s inside waiting to be free from that whiskey poison, those wine stains, beer batter past. Sober is the New Black. I am grateful for love, life, people in recovery who are sharing their wisdom, food, peace I feel in my heart, and endless love for myself.


Stay connect with love, Adolfo Vasquez