DAY 66 Sober: Separate the Voice in Your Head from the Real You

Hello friends its End of day 66 sober and I will be up late, I got some feed back from an Editor, So i am up rewriting. Usually when I write I listen to music or youtube videos. I just came across this Gem on Separating the voice in your head from the real you. It helps me identify that voice cause by Alcoholism that speaks to me in my tone of voice so i thinks it me but really its that addiction. I have not heard. That voice has not spoke to me about wanting to drink but it does come out and tells me a story that makes me sad that can lead to a drink. So i have to watch that voice in my head or commonly known as thoughts. Hope this help anyone. Sober is the New Black. Grateful for the Editor, for Author Michael Singer, and for Oprah

Stay connect with love , Adolfo